The Nameless Tory points out that people do move rightwards as they get older. Or maybe that it is just common sense. Anyway:
I reject cultural relativism; Britain IS a better place to live then Saudi, and the reaons for that are cultural.
I do not believe Israel is the source of all evil in the Middle East. I believe prison can work.
I believe immigrants should integrate.
I believe it is time to ram, forcibly, the concept of free will down the throats of the judiciary; no-one makes you nick cars, no matter how poor you are.
Animal testing is necessary.
Foxhunting is not morally equivalent to genocide.
We can, and should, intervene in countries where people are being slaughtered en masse by their own governments - all the world leaders who were present at the UN Rwanda debates c.1994 have blood on their hands.
And I do not believe that the majority of the population of this country are suppressed raving racists who would rise up and start burning mosques, but for the armies of peole with the dreaded words 'diversity' and 'outreach' in their job titles.
However, I still maintain that the State should step in where people are unable to help themselves, and that health and education should not be run for profit. I believe in the right to strike, abused as it is these days (it enrages me when tube drivers strike for yet more money; miners used to go on strike for a better air supply underground.) And that the rich should be heavily taxed.
[steps down from soapbox]
I suppose you could call me
Borisist, in some regards. Or maybe a Borist? Borisian? Borisite?
The problem with this blog is that I can never decide if I want to tell stories a la Greenfairy, do comedy like Scaryduck, or plunge straight into full-on politics like the Devil's Kitchen.