Thursday, June 29, 2006

Au revoir

Both of my regular readers will have noticed a distinct lack of activity in the Lighthouse of late. Frankly, I am running a bit short of inspiration, so I am going to shut up shop for a while to recharge the batteries. Back later this summer.

My parting shot, which may inspire a little debate, is this: the greatest band ever formed from any members, dead or alive. My picks:

Guitar: Jimi Hendrix. No question about it, the greatest guitarist who has ever lived. Second choice:

Vocals: Jim Morrison. Tremendous lyrics, and a wonderful voice that can range from a scream to a sigh. Second choice: Freddie Mercury.

Bass: Cliff Burton. Controversial, I know, but technically brilliant and incredibly disciplined, and one of the few listenable bass soloists. If not him, then Jon Entwhistle. Or Peter Hook. Hmmm.

Keyboards: Ludwig Van Beethoven. Seriously. Language barrier aside, he was an absolute master of mood and melody.

Drums: Just edging out Keith Moon, it has to be the mighty John Bonham.

Mixing: The KLF. Imagine what they could do with the sounds made by the above.

Bye for now.

The Moai will return


Blogger Cheryl said...

I think thats an all pervasive atmosphere.
Half the time I read and enjoy a post but cant string two sensible words together by way of a comment.
It could just be the weather.

Enjoy your break, which I hope is long enough for you, but not too long!

4:47 AM  

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